Committed to getting results for you, ensuring you can live a healthy & happy life.

How Long Will A Session Last?

Initial session for adults and children is usually 60 minutes long (timing can be adapted to suit the needs of the individual).

Sessions thereafter are 45 minutes for children and 60 minutes for adults.

How Much Does It Cost?

60 minute initial session for adults and children £50

Subsequent sessions adults £50 (60 minutes)

Subsequent sessions children £38 (45 minutes)


Listed below are some of the issues that people bring to counselling.  However, it is not possible to list everything and so if what you are experiencing is not listed please feel free to contact me to see if I can help.





Anger Management

Self Confidence

Family/Relationship Issues






See what clients have to say


“Flexibility to have appointments over video call or in person at a convenient time.  Good communication and sharing of details with our son and ourselves.  The coping cat course was very useful for my son (who is on the autistic spectrum) in helping him to think about his emotional health so that he can help himself. Thank you Anna”


“I was in an unhappy relationship and felt very stuck.  Through talking with Anna I was able to work out what was keeping me stuck and begin to work out for myself what changes I needed to make.”


“My wife of 50 years has MS and I am her main carer.  I was finding it difficult to care for her and was feeling exhausted and depressed.  Talking about what I was experiencing really helped me. Anna was able to help me think about my own self-care, the importance of it and where I could make time for it, such as when my wife went to her twice weekly MS support group.  I am now rediscovering my joy of things such as going out on my motorbike.”

Make an appointment today